Why is it important

to understand energy?

Here’s just a few things our clients transform when they holistically understand the foundations of energy and expand awareness with the Integrated Energy Approach™. We created abundare to empower you with grounded tools and practices for creating personal and collective flourishing.

It may sound obvious to some and like a lofty idea to others, however everything is energy and energy is everything. Science supports this.

Everything in all forms including what you see, feel, hear, taste, smell, think and speak is all energy; as well as what may fall outside of your ordinary senses of awareness or seem ‘invisible’, however still has tangible impact on all life. This shapes our individual experiences, as well as what we create as a collective and how. 

Knowing this is key to the first steps of understanding energy, subtle energies, the human biofield and beyond so you can shift from overwhelm, feeling scattered and pushed around by life; to feeling aware, grounded and standing in your power.

Energy impacts us as individuals, our interpersonal experiences, as part of the broader collective, ultimately as far as the universe and multiverses exists. Quantum science tells us everything is interconnected and all possible realities exist at the same time. In it’s simplest explanation, there is unlimited potential for you to experience anything you dare to dream and more. When you take responsibility for what is your energy - your personal life force - and become aware of what is not, it empowers you to make conscious choices that impacts:
✦ your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, wellness and wellbeing
✦ your relationships with yourself and others
✦ the quality of experiences you have in your day-to-day life.

Taking personal responsibility for your energy is your key to freedom.

Without understanding energy and how to work with it, when facing new or ongoing challenges,

stresses can stack up. This can create or magnify a dysregulated nervous system, imbalanced neurochemistry, limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas. This can express itself as physical ailments, sluggish energy, low self esteem, mental health conditions, no zest for life - impacting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

When such symptoms are unresolved, this impacts your vitality and your personal power can become forgotten. If you aim to live a life of purpose, being of service to others is also limited when your lifeforce is depleted.

If shadow or unseen aspects of self remain untended, you will likely revert to established patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. However, if you commit to working with the tools, practices and approach we share with you, you will recognise, clear, shift and align your energy to re-direct yourself in an upward spiral, transcending and integrating the wisdom of the challenges.

Standing in your power, you walk this earth embodied and grounded, transform your experiences into wisdom, create and maintain healthy boundaries, ascend to higher states of consciousness, be of service fulfilling your life’s purpose and, if you choose, walk the path of the modern mystic where you become witness to the vibrancy, awe and miracles of life that exist each day.  From this place you co-create through aligned frequency of your energy, embodying abundance in its fullest expression from Source.

We refer to this holistic approach as quantum consciousness. Walking grounded on the path of a new paradigm in advanced arenas you will discover for yourself mystical experiences in the day-to-day. This is 100% possible in our natural, unaltered states - accessible by you if that’s what you want to experience in this lifetime. Your choices and commitment to your daily practices will unfold and expand new experiences and perceptions of reality as you explore your life in a new paradigm.

The approach for individuals is not separate from the approach for businesses, communities or families (how could it be when all of these groups are collectives of individuals) - they are interwoven, with unique dynamics that at best served by tailor-made solutions for the group’s needs and goals.